Discipleship year

Then Moses said to him, ‘If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.’ – Exodus 33:15

If you're 18–25 years old, we'd love to invite you to journey here at Saint Paul’s Hammersmith with a small community of students pursuing Jesus, stirring a greater hunger for his presence and growing as a disciple. You will spend a year going deeper in your faith through biblical teaching, character development, ministry experience, mentoring and joining our rhythms of prayer and worship. Our hope is that it will be a life transforming year, both deeply challenging and profoundly encouraging!

Applications for the 2025/2026 Discipleship Year will open in May 2025!

  • September 2025 – July 2026 (Term dates: TBC)

  • Discipleship Year:


    • Evening: The Worship Room (7:30-9pm)


    • Evening: Discipleship Year gathering and teaching sessions (6:30-9:30pm)


    • Serving at one of our Sunday services (11am or 5pm)

  • The Discipleship Year is a unique opportunity to invest in your relationship with God and be shaped as a disciple of Jesus. We have sought to create a programme that works alongside full-time work or study.

    The Discipleship Year is made up of 5 key elements:

    1. Presence – Everything we do at Saint Paul’s Hammersmith is marked by a desire to live lives full of the presence of God. Therefore, as part of the year, we’re inviting you to spend Monday evenings at The Worship Room which is a weekly gathering that makes space for extended worship and devotion to Jesus.

    2. DiscipleshipWednesday Evenings will be a key moment in the week where we hope to provoke learning through our teaching sessions on the Bible, theology, discipleship, leadership development and ministry. Our hope is to equip you in your understanding of the Bible and a Christian worldview in order give you greater confidence in your walk with God and in your faith.

    3. Servant Leadership – Jesus lived a life rooted in humility and love that served other people. As part of the year, you’ll be serving on one of our teams each week at one of our Sunday services. These teams include the Youth, Kids, Production, Worship and Home Team. (There are several midweek serving opportunities that could also be explored in your interview.)

    4. Mentoring – You will be placed with a mentor from within the team at Saint Paul’s who will journey with you throughout the year, helping you to reflect, learn and grow in both the practical and spiritual aspects of life. (Mentoring sessions will take place every other week.)

    5. Assignments – We want you to grow as much as possible during this year! As part of that desire, there will be monthly assignments including: book reviews, bible studies & follow-up homework from the teaching sessions.

    You’ll be part of a vibrant, faith filled community and our hope and prayer is that you’ll finish the year more on fire for Jesus and confident as a disciple as you pursue his call on your life into the next season.

  • In addition to the Discipleship Year, we are running a DY Apprenticeship. This is an additional part-time commitment to the Discipleship Year programme (with the option of full-time) being part of the team at Saint Paul’s Hammersmith. You’ll have the opportunity to be involved in a ministry area, gaining a wide range experience in the life of the Church and learning alongside a placement lead. These placements would involve a two day a week commitment:

    Tuesday 9:30am – 5:30pm: Saint Paul’s Staff meeting, DY Apprenticeship family time & placement area

    • + 8 hours elsewhere in the week depending on your placement area

    We recommend finding a part-time job alongside to help support yourself throughout the year, or you can be based full-time with extended time spent in your placement area.

    Placement options:

    • Youth

    • Kids

    • Worship

    • The Fold & Young Adults

    • Alpha & Evangelism

    • City Transformation

    • Discipleship

    • Operations & Events

    • Sports Ministry

    We have limited placements and applications include an additional interview process with the placement lead.

    We will cover your local travel expenses and lunch for the two placement days.

    Applications for the DY Apprenticeship will open in May 2025.

  • We can help to arrange accommodation with families from Saint Paul’s at a reduced rate for those who apply and are accepted onto the DY Apprenticeship.

    Discipleship Year students need to organise their own accommodation, but we can add you to our Saint Paul’s ‘Spare Room’ WhatsApp group to help in your search.

  • £750 for the year (payment plans and bursaries are available)

    Price includes Wednesday dinner, refreshments, socials, retreats, books and materials.

  • Applications are made by the online form, and we will require references from your Church. One of the team will be in touch with you to arrange an interview within 2 weeks of your application. There are limited places available and not all applications will be successful. We will notify you within 2 weeks of your interview and references with the result of your application. The DY Apprenticeship application process is slightly longer, including an additional interview with the potential placement lead.

    • Applications for the DY Apprenticeship will open in May 2025.

    • Applications for the Discipleship Year will open in May 2025.

Meet the Team

Rachael Wooldridge

Ben Graves